
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Social Networking Sites:The Love Net (Part -2)

The following story will be displayed here in three parts - 

Part-1 (Published on  8 August, 2015)


Part-3 (To be Published on 23 August, 2015)

Part-4 (To be Published on 30 August, 2015)

He went straight into his room and as he switched on the power of the computer, to his astonishment, the electricity failed. It was too much for him. He didn’t know what to do and felt like hitting his head against the wall but didn’t dare out of the fear, as also others might have smelled something, her mother called him for dinner but he refused to have anything saying he was not feeling hungry. He kept walking in his room, rubbing his hands, punching the wall in between and cursing the Electricity Department. It was around 2 O’clock at night when the power resumed. Aryan had not winked his eyes perhaps till then. He jumped from his bed as if he had got everything in his life. He switched on the power and waited impatiently for the computer to turn on, and then the net to connect. Thanks heaven, nothing happened in contra this time as everything went right way. He checked his mail and to his ecstacy, it was there. What ? Guess, Of course, the reply from Jennifer. Her message read, “It’s rice to have someone, at last, who’s there to talk to me unhesitantingly though it’s my first mail to anyone.I am busy right now. Waiting to hean from you soon, bye!”
Aryan was again consternated and read the mail again and again turning the page down many a time in a bid to see something else written over or under there but it was to no avail. That night he tossed over his bed all night. He didn’t know why it was happening with him he had chatted with so many girls earlier but nothing happened of such sort. It was different this time. Something was blooming in his heart that was shimmering and occluding his mind too.

Next day, he wrote at length about himself, his family, his status and his job. Jennifer also replied in the same way likewise. The trend went on for many days. None expressed its feelings towards the other as if both were waiting for the other to go first. It was getting intolerable for Aryan to resist himself. One night, coming home from office, he opened the net, typed something and mailed it to Jennifer. For many days, then, he didn’t check his mail, or say, he couldn’t dare to do so. He knew why ? Actually that night he opened mail, spilling out all what he had in his heart for Jennifer. But negative feelings had cropped in thereafter and he could not muster courage to see the reply, thinking it might have been heart breaking . The feared kept haunting him for many days thereafter. However, keeping away from the mail was far more bantening. So, one day he opened the net and checked his mail. It had come the very next day and read, “I don’t know what to say, you are such a simpleton, have been chatting for quite a while, but have never been able to judge the feeling my heart beats express. Hey! Don’t take my words otherwise, my heart beat synchronously with yours likewise. I’ll visit India next week. If you want to spend a few moments with me, catch me. I am sending five photographs (of girls) including mine let’s see what you do and how you do. The rendezvous will be the same, Gateway of India, all the seven days. Bye!!!

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