
Saturday, September 19, 2015

माँ के बिना जीवन (Life Without Mother)

इतना समय बीता, इतने मौसम बीते परन्तु जो नहीं बदला वो है माँ का प्यार, दुलार। बहुत खुशनसीबों को ही यह प्यार मिल पाता है जो एक ईश्वर रूपी वरदान है। कभी सोचा है जिनके पास माँ नही होती है, उनका जीवन कैसा होता है। नही, क्योंकि हमारे पास तो हमारी माँ है। माँ की अहमियत या उनका विवरण शब्दों में बयान नहीं किया जा सकता। मैंने अपनेे समाज में ही देखा है, कि अगर माँ के चले जाने के बाद बेटी धर से बाहर भी निकल जाए या अपने किसी दोस्त से बात करें तो कहा जाता है कि अब माँ तो चली गई है अब किस बात का डर है। अखिर यह कड़वे वचन लोगों के मुँह से कैसे कहे जा सकते है ? कई बच्चों कों माँ का प्यार मिल पाता है तो उन्हें उसकी कदर करना ही नहीं आता। कभी यह सोचा है कि हमारे जीवन में माँ के होने की क्या अहमियत है। माँ सिर्फ एक शब्द नही है जो बच्चों की परछाई बन कर उनके साथ चलती है चाहे कुछ समय के लिए वह अंोझल हो जाए, परन्तु उसे कोई भी शक्ति हमसे अलग नही कर सकती हैै। परन्तु माँ के जाने के बाद सबसे अधिक परेशानियाँ बेटियों के जीवन में दस्तक देती है। बेटियाँ अपने आप को बहुत अकेला और कमजोर समझने लगती है। उन्हे अपनी गलती पर तो चुप रहना ही पड़ता है पर उनकी गलती न होने पर भी झुकना पड़ता है। उन्हीं के रिश्तेदार यहाँ तक की उन्हीं के भाई उन पर हाथ उठाने लगते हैं। कभी भी उनके घर आ जाते हैं। और उन पर अपना अधिकार जमाने के कई प्रयत्न करते हैं। पर फिर भी लड़की चुप रहती ही रहती है, क्यों ? इसलिए ताकि कहीं उसके परिवार का अपमान न हो जाए, कहीं लोग उसे गलत न समझें। नहीं वे अपनी माँ के दिल को ठेस नही पहुँचाना चाहती। उनके लिए आज भी उनकी माँ जिन्दा है, उनके पास उनके करीब है, हर कदम पर उनके साथ है। वो माँ जिसने हमें जीवन वरदान दिया है। अपने हाथों से हमें पाला है, बड़ा किया है, अंगुली पकड़ाकर चलना सिखाया है। रात को जब सब सो जाते तो वो हमें लोरियाँ, कहानियाँ सुनाकार सोती है। कभी हम बीमार हो जाएँ तो रात-रात भर हमारे लिए जागती है।

माँ शब्द ही अपने आप में अतुल्य है। फिर भी लोगों के विचार क्यों नही बदलते हैं। यदि परिवार में सिर्फ पापा और दो बेटियाँ हो तो यह बाते बनाई जाती हैं कि बिना भाई के बहनें हैं तो बिगड़ना है ही क्योंकि सर पर से तो माँ का साया उठ चुका है। कोई भी व्यक्ति यह बातें कितनी जल्दी बोल देता है। उन लोगों को अपनी गलती का एहसास तब होता है जब यह अविश्वसनीस घटना उनके परिवार के साथ होती है। इसीलिए कहते हैं जिसको चोट लगती है तो दर्द भी सिर्फ उसी को होता है दूसरे तो सिर्फ झूठा दिलासा और तसल्ली ही दे सकते हैं। उन बेटियों के पास भी एक दिल होता है, कुछ इच्छाएँ होती हैं जो वो माँ के जाने बाद किसी और के साथ बाँटना चाहती हैं। परन्तु वो ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं कर पातीं, सारा दर्द दुखः अपने अंदर ही समेट लेती है। हमारे जीवन र्मे मदर्स डे’ सिर्फ एक त्योहार मात्र का दिन है पर उन बेटियों के लिए यह दिन एक सदी के बराबर बन जाता है जो सिर्फ उस बुरे दिन की याद दिलाता है। जब उनकी माँ उन्हें अकेला तन्हा छोड़ कर चली गई थी। बस एक पल के लिए सोचो की यदि तुम्हारी माँ पास नहीं है - - - यह सोंच कर ही रूह कांप जाती है। माँ के जाने के बाद बेटियों से कहा जाता है कि घर की सफाई कर, एक - एक कपड़ा दोबारा से धो, खाना बना। क्यों ? क्या कोई घर में अपशगुन हो गया है। उसकी दोस्तों की मम्मियाँ भी कहती हैं की उससे बात मत कर, उसके घर मत जा, उससे दूर रहो क्यों ? क्या कोई इस क्यों का जवाब दे सकता है या उन सब लोगों को समझा सकता है आप जो कर रहे हैं, वह महापाप है। दूसरों की बेटियों को भी अपनी बेटी समझ कर देखो तो उनकी जगह पर खड़े होकर देखो तो लगता है कि हम ऐसे समुद्र के बीच में खड़े हैं जिसका कोई किनारा नहीें है।

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Career Prospect : German Language is a Better Choice

    Today we all are running hand fast and keep ourselves busy in thinking big, hoping for the best and thus, look at just the traditional courses as the only option left for consideration. When a child opens its eyes in this world, the very first works, he hear from this/have parents are - “Hello! Doctor or hi! My dear engineer, going to be just like your father.” Though the new born baby is unable to react but he/she must be cursing himself/herself at the traditional welcome he/she receives from her parents who are supposed to be his/her well-wishers, benefactors.
    Have one thing is for the sure that all children are not supposedly made doctors and engineers. Though the trend seems to be unchangeable, still it is fan more commonly seen within and outside any territory.

    But the choice automatically gets differentiated with the advancement of age as the choice of the doer or student, say, changes. Well! have a sigh of breath as there are many options available in the Market today that opens up many new and interesting avenues for those who taste differently i.e. learning a foreign language.
    A good command over any international language equips the students with multifaceted talent needed to guarantee their success in any field as it adds to their professional skills and paves the esiest way to the multinational company that offers them handsome package. Moreover, if students want to excel in a particular language only,they are required to study to a few levels so as to enable themselves for a suitaable job. However, higher studies can provide them a lucrative opportunity both in academic and vocational fields.
    Though there are many languages that attract students like French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese but here we are introducing our aspirants to the ‘German’.

Why it to German?

    German is an interesting language. Today even in schools we have German language, as an option. It is very difficult to choose the field after XII to go in. German and English are both Germanic languages. They both started out as the same language. they have many same words and grammar characteristic. That makes German a good choice for English knowers. German is spoken in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg, Spain and Liechtenstein, as well as parts of other European countries such as Italy, France and Belgium. Germany is also the world’s third biggest economy (after USA and Japan). German has the highest paid workers in the world.

Educational reasons:

    Learning a foreign language at the earliest possible age. That is in school when one completes all semesters from Max Muller Bhavan or there are many institutes than it is not difficult to build yourself as a professional After doing B1 semester one can teach in school or can become a travel guide, translator Interpreter MC and there are many more fields which one can join.
    Learning German Language can alters the the Personality of a person.
    By learning a new language, one gains new horizons, but at the same time one can reinforce one’s own identity and also one’s self confidence. A foreign language can contribute to one’s personality strongly. Apparently foreign languages add to the an charming potential of an intellectual.
    If language skills are to be improved anyone needs to play its part, particularly parents as they must recognize the importance of foreign language and encourage their children to take interest and should insist the schools to give their children the opportunity to benefit from all that languages offer;
    government, local education Authorities and schools - must give language learning a join place in schools and enable as many pupils as possible to benefit from the opportunities it creates. In addition to this it also moves the effect of social discrimination by enhancing social mobility and exchanging cultural heritage Hence we all should recognize the importance of language learning and encourage the students to make it a choice as future prospect

The best institutes of German-Language

Max Muller Bhavan (Goethe-Institut)
3, Kasturba gandhi marg
New Delhi 110001
Tel : +911123329506/23471100

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Social Networking Sites: Love Net (Part -4)

The following story will be displayed here in three parts - 

Part-1 (Published on  8 August, 2015)

Part-2 (Published on 16 August, 2015)

Part-3 (Published on 22 August, 2015)


Mr. Vaidya came home that day enervated, got ready and searched for a computer institute and brushed his e-knowledge. One day he sent mails to all who were interested in talking to him. Soon he got reply from an nine year old girl, Johsey from California. That day on Mr. Vaidya got busy in himself. He arranged his own P.C. and chatted for hours with his newly found friend. He used to tell her all about his past, his schooling, his studies, his achievements, his job and glorious service record, his family. Johnsey too shared her feeling with him. Soon many other people got connected with him. Now Mr. Vaidyanathan had become a changed man rather a changed young oldman who needed not to be cared by anyone. All this became possible only with the help of the social networking site. Now he promised himself to show the way to the other fellows of his age who felt neglected and detached in their homes.
Here lies the secret of the success of Social networking sites as they enable people of all age groups to connect with people from fan flung areas both in their own country and abroad. These sites include facebook, twitter, flick, orkut and many more.
Interesting fact:There are around 200 major active social networking sites operating through internet.
    Though different age groups have variant tastes. Children like to share their innocent views on these sites. Adolescents enjoy in their own ways. They make friends, chat with them for hours sharing all their intrinsics and extrinsics and are so much excited with the advent of the technology. Even their parents like to use these sites, make friend, share their views . These sites present a great refuge to the people who live alone or are forced to stick to solitude willingly or unwillingly. Old people , in particulary, if find acess to e-world, can keep themselves busy and happy.
    So, there is so much to offer for all by these networking sites. Undoubtedly they are filling the void by connecting the people of different castes, creed, colour, sex, culture, civilization, thus, hampering the way for discrimination on any ground like social, economic, political since for people irrespective of these anomalies gather together and form a virtual and worthy alliance needed for a healthy and wealthy ‘Universal Society’. Hence, annihilating the anti social and inhuman values from with in the people thus, paving the way for ‘Utopian Human Society.’
    Though  there are two sides of a coin but people with positive frame of mind keep themselves aloof with dark, mystic and negative aspects and certainly help in the creation of ‘Human Society’ and that’s the need of the hour.
In other words, Social Networking Sites need to be perceived as Love Nets’ connecting people not otherwise.