
Saturday, September 19, 2015

माँ के बिना जीवन (Life Without Mother)

इतना समय बीता, इतने मौसम बीते परन्तु जो नहीं बदला वो है माँ का प्यार, दुलार। बहुत खुशनसीबों को ही यह प्यार मिल पाता है जो एक ईश्वर रूपी वरदान है। कभी सोचा है जिनके पास माँ नही होती है, उनका जीवन कैसा होता है। नही, क्योंकि हमारे पास तो हमारी माँ है। माँ की अहमियत या उनका विवरण शब्दों में बयान नहीं किया जा सकता। मैंने अपनेे समाज में ही देखा है, कि अगर माँ के चले जाने के बाद बेटी धर से बाहर भी निकल जाए या अपने किसी दोस्त से बात करें तो कहा जाता है कि अब माँ तो चली गई है अब किस बात का डर है। अखिर यह कड़वे वचन लोगों के मुँह से कैसे कहे जा सकते है ? कई बच्चों कों माँ का प्यार मिल पाता है तो उन्हें उसकी कदर करना ही नहीं आता। कभी यह सोचा है कि हमारे जीवन में माँ के होने की क्या अहमियत है। माँ सिर्फ एक शब्द नही है जो बच्चों की परछाई बन कर उनके साथ चलती है चाहे कुछ समय के लिए वह अंोझल हो जाए, परन्तु उसे कोई भी शक्ति हमसे अलग नही कर सकती हैै। परन्तु माँ के जाने के बाद सबसे अधिक परेशानियाँ बेटियों के जीवन में दस्तक देती है। बेटियाँ अपने आप को बहुत अकेला और कमजोर समझने लगती है। उन्हे अपनी गलती पर तो चुप रहना ही पड़ता है पर उनकी गलती न होने पर भी झुकना पड़ता है। उन्हीं के रिश्तेदार यहाँ तक की उन्हीं के भाई उन पर हाथ उठाने लगते हैं। कभी भी उनके घर आ जाते हैं। और उन पर अपना अधिकार जमाने के कई प्रयत्न करते हैं। पर फिर भी लड़की चुप रहती ही रहती है, क्यों ? इसलिए ताकि कहीं उसके परिवार का अपमान न हो जाए, कहीं लोग उसे गलत न समझें। नहीं वे अपनी माँ के दिल को ठेस नही पहुँचाना चाहती। उनके लिए आज भी उनकी माँ जिन्दा है, उनके पास उनके करीब है, हर कदम पर उनके साथ है। वो माँ जिसने हमें जीवन वरदान दिया है। अपने हाथों से हमें पाला है, बड़ा किया है, अंगुली पकड़ाकर चलना सिखाया है। रात को जब सब सो जाते तो वो हमें लोरियाँ, कहानियाँ सुनाकार सोती है। कभी हम बीमार हो जाएँ तो रात-रात भर हमारे लिए जागती है।

माँ शब्द ही अपने आप में अतुल्य है। फिर भी लोगों के विचार क्यों नही बदलते हैं। यदि परिवार में सिर्फ पापा और दो बेटियाँ हो तो यह बाते बनाई जाती हैं कि बिना भाई के बहनें हैं तो बिगड़ना है ही क्योंकि सर पर से तो माँ का साया उठ चुका है। कोई भी व्यक्ति यह बातें कितनी जल्दी बोल देता है। उन लोगों को अपनी गलती का एहसास तब होता है जब यह अविश्वसनीस घटना उनके परिवार के साथ होती है। इसीलिए कहते हैं जिसको चोट लगती है तो दर्द भी सिर्फ उसी को होता है दूसरे तो सिर्फ झूठा दिलासा और तसल्ली ही दे सकते हैं। उन बेटियों के पास भी एक दिल होता है, कुछ इच्छाएँ होती हैं जो वो माँ के जाने बाद किसी और के साथ बाँटना चाहती हैं। परन्तु वो ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं कर पातीं, सारा दर्द दुखः अपने अंदर ही समेट लेती है। हमारे जीवन र्मे मदर्स डे’ सिर्फ एक त्योहार मात्र का दिन है पर उन बेटियों के लिए यह दिन एक सदी के बराबर बन जाता है जो सिर्फ उस बुरे दिन की याद दिलाता है। जब उनकी माँ उन्हें अकेला तन्हा छोड़ कर चली गई थी। बस एक पल के लिए सोचो की यदि तुम्हारी माँ पास नहीं है - - - यह सोंच कर ही रूह कांप जाती है। माँ के जाने के बाद बेटियों से कहा जाता है कि घर की सफाई कर, एक - एक कपड़ा दोबारा से धो, खाना बना। क्यों ? क्या कोई घर में अपशगुन हो गया है। उसकी दोस्तों की मम्मियाँ भी कहती हैं की उससे बात मत कर, उसके घर मत जा, उससे दूर रहो क्यों ? क्या कोई इस क्यों का जवाब दे सकता है या उन सब लोगों को समझा सकता है आप जो कर रहे हैं, वह महापाप है। दूसरों की बेटियों को भी अपनी बेटी समझ कर देखो तो उनकी जगह पर खड़े होकर देखो तो लगता है कि हम ऐसे समुद्र के बीच में खड़े हैं जिसका कोई किनारा नहीें है।

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Career Prospect : German Language is a Better Choice

    Today we all are running hand fast and keep ourselves busy in thinking big, hoping for the best and thus, look at just the traditional courses as the only option left for consideration. When a child opens its eyes in this world, the very first works, he hear from this/have parents are - “Hello! Doctor or hi! My dear engineer, going to be just like your father.” Though the new born baby is unable to react but he/she must be cursing himself/herself at the traditional welcome he/she receives from her parents who are supposed to be his/her well-wishers, benefactors.
    Have one thing is for the sure that all children are not supposedly made doctors and engineers. Though the trend seems to be unchangeable, still it is fan more commonly seen within and outside any territory.

    But the choice automatically gets differentiated with the advancement of age as the choice of the doer or student, say, changes. Well! have a sigh of breath as there are many options available in the Market today that opens up many new and interesting avenues for those who taste differently i.e. learning a foreign language.
    A good command over any international language equips the students with multifaceted talent needed to guarantee their success in any field as it adds to their professional skills and paves the esiest way to the multinational company that offers them handsome package. Moreover, if students want to excel in a particular language only,they are required to study to a few levels so as to enable themselves for a suitaable job. However, higher studies can provide them a lucrative opportunity both in academic and vocational fields.
    Though there are many languages that attract students like French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese but here we are introducing our aspirants to the ‘German’.

Why it to German?

    German is an interesting language. Today even in schools we have German language, as an option. It is very difficult to choose the field after XII to go in. German and English are both Germanic languages. They both started out as the same language. they have many same words and grammar characteristic. That makes German a good choice for English knowers. German is spoken in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg, Spain and Liechtenstein, as well as parts of other European countries such as Italy, France and Belgium. Germany is also the world’s third biggest economy (after USA and Japan). German has the highest paid workers in the world.

Educational reasons:

    Learning a foreign language at the earliest possible age. That is in school when one completes all semesters from Max Muller Bhavan or there are many institutes than it is not difficult to build yourself as a professional After doing B1 semester one can teach in school or can become a travel guide, translator Interpreter MC and there are many more fields which one can join.
    Learning German Language can alters the the Personality of a person.
    By learning a new language, one gains new horizons, but at the same time one can reinforce one’s own identity and also one’s self confidence. A foreign language can contribute to one’s personality strongly. Apparently foreign languages add to the an charming potential of an intellectual.
    If language skills are to be improved anyone needs to play its part, particularly parents as they must recognize the importance of foreign language and encourage their children to take interest and should insist the schools to give their children the opportunity to benefit from all that languages offer;
    government, local education Authorities and schools - must give language learning a join place in schools and enable as many pupils as possible to benefit from the opportunities it creates. In addition to this it also moves the effect of social discrimination by enhancing social mobility and exchanging cultural heritage Hence we all should recognize the importance of language learning and encourage the students to make it a choice as future prospect

The best institutes of German-Language

Max Muller Bhavan (Goethe-Institut)
3, Kasturba gandhi marg
New Delhi 110001
Tel : +911123329506/23471100

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Social Networking Sites: Love Net (Part -4)

The following story will be displayed here in three parts - 

Part-1 (Published on  8 August, 2015)

Part-2 (Published on 16 August, 2015)

Part-3 (Published on 22 August, 2015)


Mr. Vaidya came home that day enervated, got ready and searched for a computer institute and brushed his e-knowledge. One day he sent mails to all who were interested in talking to him. Soon he got reply from an nine year old girl, Johsey from California. That day on Mr. Vaidya got busy in himself. He arranged his own P.C. and chatted for hours with his newly found friend. He used to tell her all about his past, his schooling, his studies, his achievements, his job and glorious service record, his family. Johnsey too shared her feeling with him. Soon many other people got connected with him. Now Mr. Vaidyanathan had become a changed man rather a changed young oldman who needed not to be cared by anyone. All this became possible only with the help of the social networking site. Now he promised himself to show the way to the other fellows of his age who felt neglected and detached in their homes.
Here lies the secret of the success of Social networking sites as they enable people of all age groups to connect with people from fan flung areas both in their own country and abroad. These sites include facebook, twitter, flick, orkut and many more.
Interesting fact:There are around 200 major active social networking sites operating through internet.
    Though different age groups have variant tastes. Children like to share their innocent views on these sites. Adolescents enjoy in their own ways. They make friends, chat with them for hours sharing all their intrinsics and extrinsics and are so much excited with the advent of the technology. Even their parents like to use these sites, make friend, share their views . These sites present a great refuge to the people who live alone or are forced to stick to solitude willingly or unwillingly. Old people , in particulary, if find acess to e-world, can keep themselves busy and happy.
    So, there is so much to offer for all by these networking sites. Undoubtedly they are filling the void by connecting the people of different castes, creed, colour, sex, culture, civilization, thus, hampering the way for discrimination on any ground like social, economic, political since for people irrespective of these anomalies gather together and form a virtual and worthy alliance needed for a healthy and wealthy ‘Universal Society’. Hence, annihilating the anti social and inhuman values from with in the people thus, paving the way for ‘Utopian Human Society.’
    Though  there are two sides of a coin but people with positive frame of mind keep themselves aloof with dark, mystic and negative aspects and certainly help in the creation of ‘Human Society’ and that’s the need of the hour.
In other words, Social Networking Sites need to be perceived as Love Nets’ connecting people not otherwise.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Social Networking Sites: Love Net (Part -3)

The following story will be displayed here in three parts - 

Part-1 (Published on  8 August, 2015)

Part-2(Published on 16 August, 2015)


Part-4 (To be Published on 30 August, 2015)

“Oh, My God! It’s the last day of her stay here. How would I reach Gateway of India ? It’s so fussy out on the roads.” Somehow Aryan reached there and searched for her soulmate but all was in vain. So, he sat panting under a tree, perspiring profusely and closed his eyes. Suddenly he heard some laughter behind himself. He turned back to enquirer who was there. But found none. Just then someone closed his eyes from behind. He was axed to touch the spongy fingers. He caught hold of the hands firmly and turned back only to see his ‘Diva’.
    A few years have passed and Aryan still rejuvenates the past golden moments come dancing before his eyes and he stares at Jennifer smiling who he married soon after and now they both have a beautiful baby out of their wed look.
    Similarly, Mr. Vaidymathan, an old man of seventy , now a retired custom officer reminds his past glorious life when he always attracted the eyes of people wherever he went. He had two sons and two daughter who are happily married now and are so much busy in their life-nets that they hardly find time to talk to this oldie who receives an alienated treatment in his own house (not home because home is always made of human ingredients filled with humane spirits). He found himself lonely as his wife had also left him five years ago when she died of cancer leaving him all alone. Now not only his children but grand children had time for him . All were busy in themselves caring least for him. One day when Mr. Vaidya Nathan met one of his former colleagues in a park during morning walk. He looked rather hale and hearty and animated too. During their conversation, his friend told him that he had also been facing the similar treatment in his home particularly the aloofness created around himself but when he saw his grandchildren chatting online, he flushed with an idea of following the trend. He further told, “I learnt computer basics from an institute and started chatting on net. Now I have many friends of all age groups and when I feel bore, I chat with my friends and share my joys and sorrows with them.”

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Social Networking Sites:The Love Net (Part -2)

The following story will be displayed here in three parts - 

Part-1 (Published on  8 August, 2015)


Part-3 (To be Published on 23 August, 2015)

Part-4 (To be Published on 30 August, 2015)

He went straight into his room and as he switched on the power of the computer, to his astonishment, the electricity failed. It was too much for him. He didn’t know what to do and felt like hitting his head against the wall but didn’t dare out of the fear, as also others might have smelled something, her mother called him for dinner but he refused to have anything saying he was not feeling hungry. He kept walking in his room, rubbing his hands, punching the wall in between and cursing the Electricity Department. It was around 2 O’clock at night when the power resumed. Aryan had not winked his eyes perhaps till then. He jumped from his bed as if he had got everything in his life. He switched on the power and waited impatiently for the computer to turn on, and then the net to connect. Thanks heaven, nothing happened in contra this time as everything went right way. He checked his mail and to his ecstacy, it was there. What ? Guess, Of course, the reply from Jennifer. Her message read, “It’s rice to have someone, at last, who’s there to talk to me unhesitantingly though it’s my first mail to anyone.I am busy right now. Waiting to hean from you soon, bye!”
Aryan was again consternated and read the mail again and again turning the page down many a time in a bid to see something else written over or under there but it was to no avail. That night he tossed over his bed all night. He didn’t know why it was happening with him he had chatted with so many girls earlier but nothing happened of such sort. It was different this time. Something was blooming in his heart that was shimmering and occluding his mind too.

Next day, he wrote at length about himself, his family, his status and his job. Jennifer also replied in the same way likewise. The trend went on for many days. None expressed its feelings towards the other as if both were waiting for the other to go first. It was getting intolerable for Aryan to resist himself. One night, coming home from office, he opened the net, typed something and mailed it to Jennifer. For many days, then, he didn’t check his mail, or say, he couldn’t dare to do so. He knew why ? Actually that night he opened mail, spilling out all what he had in his heart for Jennifer. But negative feelings had cropped in thereafter and he could not muster courage to see the reply, thinking it might have been heart breaking . The feared kept haunting him for many days thereafter. However, keeping away from the mail was far more bantening. So, one day he opened the net and checked his mail. It had come the very next day and read, “I don’t know what to say, you are such a simpleton, have been chatting for quite a while, but have never been able to judge the feeling my heart beats express. Hey! Don’t take my words otherwise, my heart beat synchronously with yours likewise. I’ll visit India next week. If you want to spend a few moments with me, catch me. I am sending five photographs (of girls) including mine let’s see what you do and how you do. The rendezvous will be the same, Gateway of India, all the seven days. Bye!!!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Social Networking Sites:The Love Net (Part -1)

The following story will be displayed here in three parts - 


Part-2 (To be Published on 16 August, 2015)

Part-3 (To be Published on 23 August, 2015)

Part-4 (To be Published on 30 August, 2015)
Aryan came back from his office exhausted  late  right. As he  stepped in, he got shocked  to hear voices coming from his elder brother’s room who had got married only six months before.  But there had been frequent quarrels and arguments between him and his wife. Aryan didn’t stop there but went to his parents. Mom, “what has happened now? You were quite sure about the match you have chosen from your distant relative? She is a prudent, highly qualified girl with modern out look? What’s now? Everything gone rubbish. Blurting out every thing and without bothering about this parents’ reply, he retired to his room. He changed his clothes, took his dinner and went to his bed. But like other days, he was not feeling sleepy. “Then why people are so crazy about arrange marriage? What’s the point in it? Why are parents so hell bent on these marriages?” He kept on blabbing and lost in slumber unintentionally. He worked in a Multi National Company and his job was too exhausting. He hardly had time for himself. Though he had a few friends in his office including female friends but he had never been serious with anyone. He was  an M.Tech and still kept studying. He was a habitual reader and had a thorough knowledge about national and worldwide affairs. He was very smart and handsome  guy and was always a center of attraction among girls wherever he went. However, he was losing interest in the mundane affairs. His domestic environment was spoiling his own life. Many offers had started pouring in for him for marriage soon after his brothers marriage and there was immense pressure on him from all near and dear ones but he was not prepared for that mentally as he had been feeling the tantrums of wedding bells in his home for a few months.
His parents also didn’t have courage  to persuade him either.
One day when Aryan was sitting on his P.C. and was busy in his work, he took a few minutes out. He cheeked his e-mail as usual. He found an e-mail. It didn’t related to his job. Instead it was from a twenty four year girl, Jennifer.  She was a school teacher in Singapore. She was looking for a friend with whom she could share her intrinsic and  extrinsic feelings. Aryan could not resist his temptation to chat with her, being unknown. His heart started beating fast. He forgot his work and wrote something about himself and sent to Jennifer. For the first time in his life he had strange feelings, his breathing rate increased abnormally. He waited eagerly for the reply and even couldn’t work whole heartedly in his office. He wanted to check his mail but did not get a chance. He wanted to get off quickly that day and waited for the last bell to go. But it was not destined so as an urgent meeting was fixed after office time and being at senior level he could not skip it. The meeting lasted for about two hours and he was not there all through the meeting but was anxiously waiting for his release. His colleague, Somya, who had always something for him, taunted amusingly at him as he had been constantly watching the time all the way through. As the meeting was over, he hurriedly got up from his seat rushed out of the sanctum and almost faltered in the way. Somya burst into laughter and others also followed her sensing something likewise. But Aryan didn’t stop to look back, instead he drove his car fast and jumped two red signals on the way.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Teenager : Intrinsic-Extrinsic (Story 2 - Part-3)

The following story will be displayed here in three parts - 

Part-1 (Published on 11 July, 2015)

Part-2 (Published on 19 July, 2015)

Part-3 (To be Published on 26 July, 2015)

A few days later …… today he called me to meet some where and asked me for Rs. 2000 again. I told him, " I can't arrange the money this time. I have no source this time. But he was obstinate at his demand, got enraged  and went back leaving me stranded in the park. After some time, he called me and asked whether  I could come at his home. I could not refuse and went to his home. It was very big and well- furnished.   There was nobody at that point of time. He took me inside his  room and offered me cold drink.  I was overjoyed to see his affluence. After having a few sips, I felt giddiness and lost my conscience soon. When I came to my senses, I found  myself dirobbed and hoaxed. I couldn't believe. I had been be guiled so easily by the guy whom I loved so much and trusted blindfoldedly. I came back  home quietly as shobhit had lost in deep slumber. After that I didn't get any call from him. He never tried to meet me again. He didn't pick my phone, Today I saw him strolling  with some other girl in the market . “Now I don't want to live. I have betrayed my parents and breached their trust. I have also betrayed my best friend Neha. I can't bear all this. Mama, Papa, Neha please forgive  me. I am going to end my life any time, any day."

Neha being a prudent girl somehow saved her friend but how many Priyas  would be there who have either lost their lives or have lost their interest in life. Why does this happen so often? Sometimes revelations come and many times remain obscure. Teenagers become the victims of such incidents invariably. Once again the need to make the teenagers aware of such incidents comes out  to fore front. Teenagers being ardent flyers, full of zeal and zest always suppose themselves to be fire flies  who don't need light from any other source. They are always over confident regarding their decisions and that's where they are proved wrong. They think they are right in whatever they do, wherever they  go? But virtually they are novices who have gathered some knowledge of worldy affairs going around either from friends (their major source of information) or from Cinema they  frequently watch, and which act as the major store house of knowledge for them. They become prematurely matured. That's where the problem starts. Many a time they find themselves gripped in awkward situations where they prove their matchless absurdity and fall in "No Way's Trap" that leads to no where.
Here parents are also to be blame as it is they who are first preceptors and well-wishers of their children and it is their due responsibility to make their wards aware of the pros and cons and the adversaries life in and around their world. Talking about sex  to Teenagers is not easy and not advised either but making your children aware of the filthiness prevailing in the society is mandatory and that too by ways of illustrations and incidents and it may come hardy. Teenagers should be told about the Do’s and Don'ts they should keep in mind while they are out with friends  or strangers and  even relatives and the possible consequences if they ever stray from their paths. Both boys and girls should be given equal importance to their queries and parents should never prevaricate or equivocate in dealing with both as they are in the closest vicinity to both of their children. They find themselves in comfort zone with their parents. If their inquisitveness and curiosity about sexology is apprised at home, they wouldn't look out for someone else. Mothers should take their teenage girls in confidence and  fathers, their teen age boys and should remain free, frank and open to their “Teenage Queries”. That's where lies the key to safe, secure and versatile growth of their children devoid of unwanted, extrinsic wear, tear and fear.

Friday, July 24, 2015

How To Understand Children's Psychology
As a mother, all women have great responsibility towards their children. Children are future of our country. So, we would we careful for them. Whenever we get angry before them and scold them, they observe our behavior and realize that it is also a way to express feelings and give us in return whenever they want to make their wish fulfill at any cost. So rather to get angry or scold them we should understand their problems and discuss it with them. Tell the consequences of circumstances so that they might know about the seriousness. Children are innocent. If we listen them from starting and solve their problems patiently, definitely they will not be misguided. Now a days It is very important for every parents especially for mother that they should maintain a friendly relationship with their children. If you are a good friend they surely will come to you and share their problems. So anger is not the solution of everything but we should tackle our children's arrogance with love and affection.
Sometimes they become so arrogant and rigid instead of scolding them we should know the causes behind it. It would be better if we think broadly and try to find reason asap causes drastic and destructive change in them.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Know About Girls

  • Girls are tidy  and keep their belongings carefully. Systematic and well arranged. They are sensible and gullible by nature.
  • Girls mostly prefer to talk about their gadgets, outfits, brand, their beloved ones, their experiences about life.
  • They find happiness in very tiny things and appear childlike by their nature but usually are sensible and handle critical situation by their reasoning power.
  • They believe the person completely whom she loves whereas her husband, children, parents, sibling, friend or anyone else.
  • They are ambitious, focused to their target, hardworking and intelligent. They know what they are doing.
  • In MNC's, they are giving their 100% to enhance the output. They are strongly determined and dedicated towards their responsibilities.
  • Their are playing dual role as Housewife at home and a good employee in office perfectly.
  • Even though they are good sports women as well as a good warrior on the battlefield.
  • Sensitivity and sensibility both characteristics are found in girls.
  • They are one of the best creation of the world who holds the half part of the population. 
  • They are better half for her husband who has taken half of the responsibility happily.  

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Teenager : Intrinsic-Extrinsic (Story 2 - Part-2)

The following story will be displayed here in three parts - 

Part-1 (Published on 11 July, 2015)

Part-2 (Published on 19 July, 2015)

Part-3 (To be Published on 26 July, 2015)

She stopped but didn't look at me. I asked her about the exam. She didn't reply. I again asked, what's the matter? Is anything wrong? Are you O.K? why didn't you pick my phone yesterday? I was feeling so sick. But she didn't utter a single word. I again asked her, ”Is anything wrong with you? Tell me. But she didn't speak and went away to her home. I didn't like her attitude. For a next few days, I didn't talk to her too thinking it was she who was at fault not me and waited for her daily after school time. But neither she talked to me nor accompanied me way back home.

I was perplexed at the gravity of situation, and was not able to make out the scene  behind the screen. That evening I received a call from her mother. She also asked me the matter regarding the same. She narrated me the similar tale as was happening  with me. And asked me to come home. Now I sensed some foul play in the story. I decided to go  to her in her absence when she had gone to her tuition. Her mother talked to me in detail about the change she had noticed in Priya. She also asked me whether I know something about that. I was in a fix what to do. Just then I reminded her mother of her diary as I know but she didn't know that Priya used to write a diary. Some how we found  her diary. I read it excitedly but soon my expressions turned dismal. Diary read, Today I am very happy as Shobhit, the most handsome guy of our area has proposed me. I am so happy!!!!!!

Many girls were there in queue but I am the luckiest one. Next day ……. Today I went to see a movies with him. I bunked my school. We also went to a restaurant and  had a lot of fun. One  more thing,  we had a smo … o .. tch… I enjoyed the blissful moments with him. Next day …. He was looking worried over something. Perhaps he had lost around Rs. 2000 somewhere and he had to pay the electricity bill. I promptly offered my help. After all he was my boy friend.

Friday, July 17, 2015

How to take care for Hair

Tips to Make your hair long-n-silky

  • Make your hair look bouncy by a little curling or layering them at the bottom.
  • Bang and curl your hair to make them long and silky. That will add glamorous charm in your personality.
  • Apply a little gel to your down flowing hair and set up curls, waves or layers in your hair and make them soft-n-silky.
  • Do not use drier frequently until you are in hurry to dry your. Excess use of it may harm your hair. Let them dry naturally.
  • Try to use natural and herbal product like Avlan, Shikakai, Mehandi to enrich and strengthen your hair once in a month.
  • If you are at home then try to keep your hair tied with band or clutcher so that they will not clash with each other and gets damaged.
  • Wash your hair daily by good quality of shampoo and after apply mild conditioner over it gently. 
  • Do not rub your wet hair with towel to get it dry but let it be dry itself.
  • Apply coconut oil daily before going to bed and wash it next day.
  • Time to time triming of hair is also a integral part to make it healthy and attractive.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Teenager -Intrinsic-Extrinsic (Story 2 -Part-1)

The following story will be displayed here in three parts - 

Part-1 (Published on 11 July, 2015)

Part-2 (To be Published on 19 July, 2015)

Part-3 (To be Published on 26 July, 2015)

Part -1

Hi ! I am Neha. I have a friend named Priya. She used to be a jovial fellow once. Smiling face, glittering eyes, witty, having great sense of  humour, an  extrovent who used  to play pranks on all her friends without hurting their sentiments. She was good at both studies and sports and thus, liked equally by friends and teachers. It was she in whose captaincy, our school won zonal Badminton champion ship.

We used to meet daily and spent our time leisurely in gossips. Though I, being short tempered and fastidious, used to stop talking many a time at trifles but she never minded.  Instead she kept persuading me all the time and never showed any signs of indignation even I reprimanded her many a time. We both lived at some distance from each other but that was far from preventing us to see each other daily. One day I went to school and during recess, when I looked for her as she was not in some other section, I came to know she had not come to school that day. I got disappointed as we used to keep off the same day simultaneously what ever  be the reason.
After school, I didn't get time to go to her as our exams were going to start the very next day. I reached my home and called her by phone but she didn't pick it.  I kept trying for quiet sometime but in vain. I didn't know what to do as I had never faced such a grim situation ever before. I was feeling uneasy. Next day in the school, after exam I saw her.  She was moving along without paying any attention to the surroundings. I called her from behind............................. To Be Continued..........

............Part-2 (To be Published on 19 July, 2015)............Keep Checking........

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Plan a Trip to Manali in this Summer

A trip to Manali is a real pleasure for whole family in this harsh summer. It is a cool place to stay to get relax from your daily routine life. Check Out some really cool pics below:
River Beas view in Van Vihar

Mall Road

Here are some tips for your Manali tour:
  • Preferably book a cottage from any website for atleast 5 days and you will definitely get some benefit. (almost a good cottage in Rs 2000-2500/ day as per season rates)
    • Most of the Hotels in Manali are in congested area ‘Mall Road’. Staying here is almost same as you live in your home with a only difference of mountain view from one or two sides. The rates are also bit higher than those cottages.
    • Cottages are at some distance from Mall Road. The view around these cottages is almost fantastic. You will find mountains and fields in your surroundings.
  • The Check In/Check Out time at Manali Hotels and Cottages is generally 12 noon. So plan your visit accordingly to reach there at 12 noon. Then rest for 2-3 hours and go to Van Vihar first. It is near Mall Road Bus stand. You will find awesome views there. Wander there in between greenery and also enjoy walking along Beas River with a Maggi plate in your hands. But don’t throw the waste in river water. At night dinner either at Mall Road or in your hotel  is your choice.
  • Book a Taxi and visit Hidimba Devi Temple, and some other sites near Mall road, Bhrigu Lake and Naggar Castle on Day 2. Taxi Drivers will told you their own visit plans you can also choose from them or bargain for the same as described.
  • Book a Taxi and visit Solang Valley and Rohtang pass on Day 3. Enjoy these places for a full day. You will have to take snow suits that your Taxi Driver will arrange for you in some cost (according to the season). Rohtang is at the height of 13000 feet. So, take a light breakfast before leave to Rohtang Pass and take some chips, Limca or some other salty things with you as these will helpful if you feel vomiting when you ascending mountains via roads. You can enjoy Skiing, Snow Bike riding at picturesque Rohtang Valley. You will need a complete day rest after this tour. So, take rest on Day 4 and if you want, go to Van Vihar for chill out or either spent your day in Hotel and nearby places.
  • Day 5: Go for shopping to Mall Road if you want and visit Manali Sanctuary which is just at 2 km from Manali.
  • Day 6 in Manali: You have to leave your hotel at 12 noon.
This exciting trip can be planned in about INR 20,000 (For 3 Members Family). This excludes Rail/Air/Bus fares, expense on meals and shopping.
For exact quote CALL ME at 8860061553 or mail your query at
Surely I will arrange a good trip for you in Minimum Price*
*Price will include a service fees of INR 2000.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Career Prospect

Today we all are running in race of being smart and big hoping for the best and thus, look at just the traditional courses as the only option left for consideration. When a child opens its eyes in this world, the very first works, she/he  hears from their parents, hi! Doctor or hi! My dear engineer, going to be just like your father.” Though the new born baby is unable to react but he/she must be cursing himself/herself at the traditional welcome he/she receives from her procreatory who are supposed to be his/her well-wishers, benefactors. But it is necessary that let children leave free to decide their career. It helps them to study courses as per their choice and they will perform the best job.
A good command over any international language equips the students with multifaceted talent needed to guarantee their success in any field as it adds to their professional skills and paves the easiest way to the multinational company that offers them handsome package. Moreover, if students want to excel in a particular language only,they are required to study to a few levels so as to enable themselves for a suitable job. However, higher studies can provide them a lucrative opportunity both in academic and vocational fields.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


 What is emotion?
The literary meaning of emotion is an instinctive feeling as opposed to reasoning.
“Emotion is the complex psychophysiological experience of an individual’s state of mind as interacting with all elements of their environment”, which is a  we-explained definition given in encyclopedia.
Emotions can show your deep joy or anger. They can easily show your mental condition. Emotions have the ability to express even without in reeds. They are also useful in predicting our own behavioure as well as of other’s The real happiness for any individual when he feels content and satisfied. The true feeling comes when our needs are met, particularly our emotional needs.
Sometimes, all our needs are fulfilled but still we are not satisfied. The satisfaction comes when we have place in our heart and our emotional needs are fulfilled.
Evolution is one of the creators of advanced emotions. Evolution gave rise to society. It gave rise to various factors and individual’s characteristics. Society is the outcomes of evolution which is bonded with emotions.
If we go through the real world of today. We can easily judge, if anybody knows about the turn emotion. Emotions for them just correspond to their own internal feeling and need.
The generation knows about its own needs, its satisfaction point, everything for them. But, does anyone cores about the emotions of others rather than themselves?
There are only certain people in the world who think about others, have intense feeling for their loved ones. What we call society? Group of people living together with the bond of love and care. But, our society has been turned to such a place where selfishness has its grip!
Everyone is busy in fullfilling its needs and want to shine like northern star. They do not have enough time to spend with their family rather than they are busy playing games on laptop or listening music on their new versione dipods. They are so much busy in their lifestyle that they do not have even a single moment to share with their parents. But they have enough time to spend hours in positng scraps to friends on orkut. We can say, it is an outcome of technology. But technology does not teach us to forget all the emotions of others and forget out responsibilities and becomes selfish. Technology does not even teach us to forget all pins and sufferings which our parents went through when we were growing.
Still there are some people who understand and deeply feel the emotions of others. Sometimes these people disappoint themselves because the world considers being emotional is an exemplary of failure, disgust and dissatisfaction, an uncertainty to stand and fluorish. Consideration says that your emotional behaviour would make you lose everything in life!
People with great sense of understanding and feeling or emotional people are considered as fragile and one day they themselves would be the reason of their disappointment. It is because of the practical and selfish life of modern world, where there is no place for emotions to exist no doors to enter the morals no doors for care and share and finally emotional people face the disappointment.
If we do not consider the practical life of world and just close our eyes and feel from our heart, if a person is purely able to identify with another’s feeling and feels the same pain because he is emotioanlly putting himself in the place of another, how will he disappoint himself?
The disappointment is not due to their emotional behaviour rather than inaccurate view of reality, because the world seems to arise out of their expectations or demdns, about how they think the world should be or how they think people should act.
Due to the duality of modern would, people who are emotional think that their emotional behaviour would make them face various obstacles in achieving their goals, their behaviour would be a hindrance to their success.
These people understand wide range of emotions of others and thereby have a better chance of felfilling them. If these people are effective at listening to the emotional troubles of others, they are better able to help them, feel, understand importance and cares about others. So, how can their emotional behaviour touch failure?
So, we can say that being emotional and having great sense of understanding and feeling is not a weak paint rather, it is one of the reasons of being a good human being. Think! If our society is devoid of emotions, would you call it a respiring society? Where there is not sign of love and affection, no bonding among people. Practicality has ruined the world and turned the values into selfishness. People who are not emotional are not likely to have a sense of conscience. They may feel no remorse, no guilt for causing harm to other’s emotions. Feeling of love is the only think which creates a strong bond among the people and if it is broken by selfishness, you yourself could understand if there exist any reason for living and sharing.
People who are emotional are having the quality to prove themselves that they belong to the finest species of god and are the creators of love and bonding. They will flourish one-day. They may not achieve the top-most position but certainly they will create top-most position in the heart of others. They will be kept forever in the heart of others! As we all know, one day we all have to leave this world. We must accept the real truth of life-Death.
Everything will be vanished and everything has its end. The fact that matters is just being a good human being who will reaming immortal in the heart of others.
A  person with an emotional heart will always remain in touch with the world and always be remembered by the people forever and ever for his emotional touch.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

How to Keep fit in Hot Days

Here we know that summer are miserable to all of us. So avoiding these situation we should intake lots of liquid in form of curd, fruit juice, ice cream, cold milk, Lemon juice e.t.c. These beverages keeps our body temperature maintained. While going outside we should cover our face and open part of our body. When come home, do not take cold water immediately or eat any chilled thing or watermelon immediately. It may causes dehydration. Take light breakfast and keep some fruits or lemon juice and salad or anything with yourself while going outside because it is important to intake some juicy fruits or drinks at a regular interval. Do not skip breakfast, lunch and dinner in these days.Try to avoid to intake lots of fat and stale food. Include seasonal fruits, sprouts and juice e.t.c in your meal. Avoid lots of intake of coffee and Tea.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Can women balance professional and Personal Life?

Women are very important part of the family who holds the responsibility of home and if she is working she holds dual accountability. But many times she becomes puzzle with lots of task of households as well as of her office. This is the time to handle the things strategically like first prioritize your task sequencing first, second or third. Suppose your spouse wants to spend some time with you but at the meantime you have to go to any official party which is important for your career, you can go with your partner but do not  forget to pay attention towards your partner because he is the important one for you as well you can enjoy party with your colleagues and boss.
Go for picnic on holiday with your family. Sometimes to make feel your family special you can cook some favorite dishes of your family members.
Try to avoid office work at home. If it is very urgent tell the urgency of your work to your family members openly so that they can also help you. In spite of having lots of assignment in your life always give time to your child and family. Do not take these things for granted, always keep talking too your children and husband and other family members. Try to maintain a healthy and conversational atmosphere of your home so that every member of your family can express their feeling without any hesitation. It is very important to you that keep yourself relaxed so that you can understand the circumstances need. A woman is a mother, wife, daughter, daughter in law and in office gamut she is also holding the lots of responsibilities, everyone expects from her. If sometimes you find stuck yourself and you are not getting any solution, leave this for a while, you will get solution itself but this trick can not be applied every time. We all know that these are only some steps that can smoother our life. There is the importance of everything in our life.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Is Life Beautiful?

It is very easy to say that Life is beautiful or not because it depends upon our thinking. But the real picture of life can be seen where people are suffering with the miserable and unbearable conditions. Many of us has not money to survive, many are suffering from health problems, some are disturbed because of their career, child, parents e.t.c. There are so many forms of problem.
Think for a while when we are in trouble we feel that it is very difficult to survive but when we get it resolved with patience and courage, we feel very proud and learn lots of lessons from this.
I just want to say that we all are suffering from different-different kind of problems, it is not easy to get rid from problems but consistent efforts lessens the effect of problems and slightly disappears because nothing is permanent.
Suppose you are a housewife and you feel that you are being neglected by your family members or they do not consider your importance, just wait and watch patiently that know your importance and remain relaxed at home only because of you. If you go outside everything become meshed, none  remains easy and comfortable, this is the basic sign which shows your importance, either they speak or not. So consistent efforts and patience removes any kind of restlessness or problem of life.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Bathua ke Pakode

बथुआ के पकोड़े बनाने के लिए सामग्री
1. 250 ग्राम साफ़ किये हुए मैथी के पत्ते
2. 100 ग्राम बेसन
3. 1 बड़ा उबला हुआ आलू
4. नमक स्वादानुसार
5. 2 या तीन हरी मिर्च
6. तीन बड़ी चम्मच तेल

बथुआ के पकोड़े बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले साफ़ किये हुए इनके पत्तों को काट लें फिर पानी से अच्छी तरह से धोने के बाद इसे 5 मिनट के लिए गैस पर रखकर उबाल लें। फिर इसके बाद इसे छान लें और एक बड़े कटोरे में डालें, इसमें 100 ग्राम बेसन, 1 बड़ा उबला हुआ आलू घिस कर, नमक स्वादानुसार, बारीक़ कटी हुई मिर्च, डालकर अच्छी तरह से मिला ले, फिर थोड़ा सा पानी डालकर इसे आटे की तरह गूथ लें, अब इसकी छोटी छोटी लोइयां बनाकर एक सपाट गोलाकार दें। अब कढ़ाई में तेल डालकर इसे सेक लें और चटनी के साथ गरमागरम परोसें।

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Marriage is Essential for Everyone's Life

This is very strange to hear to tell that marriage is very essential for everyone's Life however every one is already familiar with this fact. In spite of the awareness most of us are not paying attention toward this heavenly relationship. Now a days youngsters think that if they get married soon they would stuck in responsibilities but if they start to think that taking responsibilities is not the obstacle in your career growth while it pushes you on the path of maturity, sincerity, commitment, loyalty e.t.c.

This is not at all correct that marriage is only one sided responsibility of male member whereas female member is as much accountable as male. As our ancestors says that marriages are decided in heaven but to maintain this relationship is our responsibility. There are some important tips to make this beautiful relationship more beautiful.

1. It must be understood by both of them that both are equally important to each other. If any of them is not in this relationship, it becomes worthless.

2. Do not use any harsh word for your partner which hurts him/her. However if it occurs because of some situational problem, immediately apologize.

3. Do not be so rigid, arrogant and short tempered with your partner, if you do not like some habits of your partner, tell him or her politely, in case they are not paying attention toward your complaint, you need not to repeat it again while search alternate solution which would not harm both life.

4. Do not hide any thing with each other. Your partner is the most trustable person for you in the world. For anything that you do not want to share with your partner immediately and wait till conditions become favorable. (Take care that this truth will be revealed by you only because if others will disclose, it might create nuisance circumstances for you/ your partner).

5. Always stand with and for your partner to boost his/ her morale.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Mung ki Daal Ki Kuch Laziz Recipe

ली मूंग की दाल के पकोड़े बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले निम्न सामग्री की आवश्यकता पड़ती है:1. एक कटोरी पीली मूंग की दाल
2. मूली
3. हरा धनिया
4. नमक स्वादानुसार 
5.  लाल मिर्च
6. 3 से 4 बड़ी चम्मच तेल

विधि :
सबसे पहले एक कटोरी पीली मूंग की दाल को 2 घण्टे के लिए भिगोकर रख दें। फिर उसे बारीक़ पीस लीजिये। अब इस पेस्ट में अपने स्वादानुसार नमक, आधी चम्मच लाल मिर्च और हरे धनिये के कुछ पत्ते बारीक काटकर उसमे डाल दीजिये और इन सभी को अच्छे से मिला लीजिये। अब एक कढ़ाई में तेल डालकर उसे गर्म कर लीजिये और उसमे मूंग की दाल के तैयार किये गए पेस्ट के छोटे आकार के पकोड़े बना ले। अब मूली को धो कर इसे कद्दूकस कर लें। अब इन पकोड़ों के ऊपर घिसी हुई मूली व चटनी के साथ परोसे।

हरी की चटनी के लिए 
(2 से 3 हरी मिर्च, नमक, हरी धनिया, एक टमाटर, आधी चम्मच आमचूर्ण, एक चुटकी हींग)
इन सभी को अच्छे से धो कर चटनी पीस लीजिये

Friday, April 3, 2015

Sunday Recipe -2 (Besan Ka chila)

बेसन का चीला

बेसन का चीला बनाने के लिए निम्न सामग्री की आवश्यकता पड़ती है:-

1. एक छोटी कटोरी बेसन 
2. दो बड़ी चम्मच चावल का आटा 
3. एक प्याज बारीक़ कटी हुई 
4. एक गाजर बारीक़ कटा हुआ 
5. हरी मिर्च बारीक़ कटा हुआ
6. हरा धनिया बारीक़ कटा हुआ
7. नमक स्वादानुसार
8. आधी छोटी चम्मच पीसी हुई लाल मिर्च 
9. आधी छोटी चम्मच गर्म मसाला 
10. दो बड़ी चम्मच तेल या घी 

बेसन का चीला बनाने के लिएसबसे पहले एक बड़े कटोरे में एक छोटी कटोरी बेसन, दो बड़ी चम्मच चावल का आटा,एक प्याज बारीक़ कटी हुई, एक गाजर बारीक़ कटा हुआ, हरी मिर्च बारीक़ कटा हुआ, हरा धनिया बारीक़ कटा हुआ, स्वादानुसार नमक, आधी छोटी चम्मच पीसी हुई लाल मिर्च (यदि आपको तीखा खाना पसंद है तो आप अतिरिक्त मिर्च का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं अन्यथा हरी मिर्च भी आपके स्वाद के अनुसार पर्याप्त है), आधी छोटी चम्मच गर्म मसाला अच्छे से मिलाकर पानी मिलाकर एक पतला घोल तैयार कर लें व 10 मिनट के लिए इसे रख दे। फिर एक तवे को गैस पर रखकर गर्म कर लें और आंच को धीमा कर लें अब पुरे तवे पर तेल या घी लगा ले और चम्मच की मदद से घोल की एक पतली परत को गोल आकार में तवे पर फैलाएं और 3 से 4 मिनट तक इसके एक तरफ को तब तक पकने दें जब तक उसका ऊपरी हिस्सा पूरा न पक जाए अब चीले को पलटकर उस पर चारों ओर से तेल या घी लगाएं और उसे दूसरी तरफ से भी अच्छी तरह से पका ले यदि आप चाहें तो इसे अपने स्वादानुसार कुरकुरा (crispy ) भी कर सकती हैं। गर्मागरम बेसन का चीला परोसने के लिए तैयार हैं आप इसे हरे धनिये की चटनी व सोस के साथ परोसें। 

आप इसे बनाने के लिए घर में पड़ी अन्य सब्जियों का भी प्रयोग कर सकती हैं।


Sunday Recipe-1 (Suji ka Chila)

सूजी का चीला

इसे बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले निम्न सामग्री एकत्रित करें। 
(दो या तीन चीले बनाने के लिए)
1. एक कटोरी सूजी 
2. दो बड़ी चम्मच दही
3. एक छोटा बारीक कटा हुआ टमाटर
4. एक छोटा बारीक कटा हुआ प्याज 
5. एक बारीक कटा हुआ गाजर 
6. दो-तीन छोटी-छोटी कटी हुई फलियां (बीन्स)
7. बारीक कटी हुई हरी मिर्च
8. बारीक कटा हुआ हरा धनिया
9. नमक स्वादानुसार
10. दो बड़ी चम्मच तेल या घी

इसे बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले एक कटोरी सूजी में दो बड़ी चम्मच दही तथा पानी मिलाकर पतला घोल बना लें और इसे आधे घंटे के लिए ढककर रख दें। आधे घंटे के बाद रखे हुए घोल में एक छोटा बारीक कटा हुआ टमाटर, एक छोटा बारीक कटा हुआ प्याज, एक बारीक कटा हुआ गाजर, दो-तीन छोटी-छोटी कटी हुई फलियां (बीन्स), बारीक कटी हुई हरी मिर्च, बारीक कटा हुआ हरा धनिया तथा स्वादानुसार नमक अच्छी तरह से मिलाएं। इसके बाद पैन या तवा गैस पर गर्म करें तथा इस पर एक चम्मच तेल या घी डालकर पुरे तवे पर फैला लें (सावधान ! गर्म तवे पर तेल डालते समय गैस की आंच को धीमा रखें अन्यथा तेल के छींटे मुह पर आ सकते हैं)। आंच को धीमा करके चमचे से घोल को तवे पर गोल आकार में फैलाएं और इसे तब तक पकने दें जब तक ऊपरी सतह पूरी तरह से भूरे रंग की न हो जाए। आंच को धीमा रहने दें। फिर इसे पलट दें व एक चम्मच तेल या घी को चीले के चारों तरफ लगाएं। दो या तीन मिनट के बाद इसे चमचे से उतार लें तथा सोस या चटनी के साथ परोसें। 

अतिरिक्त जानकारी

यदि  आप चाहें तो घर में पड़ी अन्य सब्जियों जैसे मटर, पत्ता गोभी, शिमला मिर्च, फूल गोभी इत्यादि का भी प्रयोग कर सकती हैं।