As a mother, all women have great responsibility towards their children. Children are future of our country. So, we would we careful for them. Whenever we get angry before them and scold them, they observe our behavior and realize that it is also a way to express feelings and give us in return whenever they want to make their wish fulfill at any cost. So rather to get angry or scold them we should understand their problems and discuss it with them. Tell the consequences of circumstances so that they might know about the seriousness. Children are innocent. If we listen them from starting and solve their problems patiently, definitely they will not be misguided. Now a days It is very important for every parents especially for mother that they should maintain a friendly relationship with their children. If you are a good friend they surely will come to you and share their problems. So anger is not the solution of everything but we should tackle our children's arrogance with love and affection.
Sometimes they become so arrogant and rigid instead of scolding them we should know the causes behind it. It would be better if we think broadly and try to find reason asap causes drastic and destructive change in them.
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